marți, 29 decembrie 2009

Kids' Ideas About Love

Ahoi marinari!Navigam azi pe internet si am gasit niste pareri interesante ale unor copii[poate mai invatam si noi ceva de la ei],pe care m-am gandit ca le-asi putea "ciordi"si eu ,ca sa mai fac o postare noua pe"chestiunea"mea!Sper sa nu se supere nimeni,ca am furat si eu...putin...doar,"romanul,tot roman ramane!"

Kids' Ideas About Love

Love and Marriage:

  • "If falling in love is anything like learning how to spell, I don't want to do it. It takes too long." -- Glenn, age 7
  • "Love is like an avalanche where you have to run for your life." -- John, age 9
  • "I think you're supposed to get shot with an arrow or something, but the rest of it isn't supposed to be so painful." -- Manuel, age 8
  • "No one is sure why it happens, but I heard it has something to do with how you smell. That's why perfume and deodorant are so popular." -- Mae, age 9
  • "Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good too." -- Greg, age 8
  • "Once I'm done with kindergarten, I'm going to find me a wife." -- Tom, age 5
  • "On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date." -- Mike, 10
  • "I'm in favor of love as long as it doesn't happen when Dinosaurs is on television." -- Jill, age 6
  • "One of the people has freckles, and so he finds somebody else who has freckles too." -- Andrew, age 6
  • "My mother says to look for a man who is kind. That's what I'll do. I'll find somebody who's kinda tall and handsome." -- Carolyn, age 8
  • "It gives me a headache to think about that stuff. I'm just a kid. I don't need that kind of trouble." -- Kenny, age 7
  • "One of you should know how to write a check. Because, even if you have tons of love, there is still going to be a lot of bills." -- Ava, age 8
  • "When somebody's been dating for a while, the boy might propose to the girl. He says to her, 'I'll take you for a whole life, or at least until we have kids and get divorced.'" -- Anita, 9
  • "I'm not rushing into being in love. I'm finding fourth grade hard enough." -- Regina, age 10
  • "Most men are brainless, so you might have to try more than once to find a live one." -- Angie, age 10
  • "A man and a woman promise to go through sickness and illness and diseases together." -- Marlon, age 10
  • "[Being] single is better . . . for the simple reason that I wouldn't want to change no diapers. Of course, if I did get married, I'd figure something out. I'd just phone my mother and have her come over for some coffee and diaper-changing." -- Kirsten, age 10
  • "Love is foolish...but I still might try it sometime." -- Floyd, age 9
  • "Love will find you, even if you are trying to hide from it. I been trying to hide from it since I was five, but the girls keep finding me." -- Dave, age 8


  • "When a person gets kissed for the first time, they fall down, and they don't get up for at least an hour." -- Wendy, age 8
  • "You should never kiss a girl unless you have enough bucks to buy her a big ring and her own VCR, 'cause she'll want to have videos of the wedding." -- Jim, age 10
  • "Never kiss in front of other people. It's a big embarrassing thing if anybody sees you. But if nobody sees you, I might be willing to try it with a handsome boy, but just for a few hours." -- Kally, age 9
  • "You learn [how to kiss] right on the spot when the gooshy feelings get the best of you." -- Doug, age 7
  • "If it's your mother, you can kiss her anytime. But if it's a new person, you have to ask permission." -- Roger, age 6
  • "It's never okay to kiss a boy. They always slobber all over you. That's why I stopped doing it." -- Tammy, age 10
  • "I know one reason kissing was created. It makes you feel warm all over, and they didn't always have electric heat or fireplaces or even stoves in their houses." -- Gina, age 8
  • "The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that." -- Curt, age 7
  • "The rules goes like this: if you kiss someone, then you should marry her and have kids with her. It's the right thing to do." -- Howard, age 8
  • (on seeing a couple kissing) "He is trying to steal her chewing gum!" -- Boy, age 6

Strategies For Making People Fall In Love With You:
  • "Tell them that you own a whole bunch of candy stores." -- Del, age 6
  • "Shake your hips and hope for the best." -- Camille, age 9
  • "Yell out that you love them at the top of your lungs...and don't worry if their parents are right there." -- Manuel, age 8
  • "Don't do things like have smelly, green sneakers. You might get attention, but attention ain't the same thing as love." -- Alonzo, age 9
  • "One way is to take the girl out to eat. Make sure it's something she likes to eat. French fries usually works for me." -- Bart, age 9

The Best Age To Get Married:

  • "Twenty three is the best age because you know the person forever by then." -- Cam, age 10
  • "No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get married!" -- Freddie, age 6

What To Do When a First Date Turns Sour:

  • "I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns." -- Craig, age 9

What Most People Are Thinking When They Say "I Love You":

  • "The person is thinking: 'Yeah, I really do love him. But I hope he showers at least once a day.'" -- Michelle, age 9
  • "Some lovers might be real nervous, so they are glad that they finally got it out and said it, and now they can go eat." -- Dick, age 7

Si uite de aici am furat eu astea,pentru cei interesati!Si hai sa zicem ca le-am facut putina reclama,asta tot furt e?

vineri, 25 decembrie 2009

vineri, 18 decembrie 2009

...o zi...

Asa ,deci actiunea s-a petrecut acum o zi,adica ieri! Deci,totul s-a intamplat dupa ce am plecat de la la cineva, adica de la mine, dar totusi nu e de la mine...asa, fie...dupa cum ziceam, actiunea s-a petrecut intr-o frumoasa si calduroasa zi de vara, acum o zi cand am fost acolo la mine,dar nu la mine, sa ne invete Puci colinde la chitarela!Dar ,am inceput sa discutam despre altceva si am lasat chitarela pe alta zi! Vreau sa imi cer scuze pentru sunetele ciudate care se aud cand filmez io si pentru mucii trasi si pentru toate alea!Eu sunt bleaga in filmare, mai bleaga decat de obicei!Dar,deci...lasand asta.... in ziua aia am invatat sa imbratisez masini, numai ca eu sunt putin "mai violenta" zicem ca masina aia nu stiu, daca ma va uita si nici eu nu am sa o uit pe ea, pentru ca mi-a ramas nasul infipt in ea, pentru ca nasul meu e mai deosebit! DA? [am sa ma duc la frumusete pe muchie de cutit, asa cum mi s-a recomandat!sac!]... free hugs!!Eu nu apar cu masina in brate ca asta s-a petrecut inainte si nu am mai indraznit la alta...Dar,aveti pe aici niste profesioniste stiu sa imbratiseze' finut ' o masinuta... invatati de la ele!!!

Asa,deci aici a-ti invatat cum sa imbratisati o masinuta,pentru ca: De Craciun fii mai bun. Fii adevarat,spune DA nu spune Si ziceam eu in postarea anterioara,care am adus-o la viata in ziua aia, adica va ziceam nu mai fiti moracanosi asa mai departe...
Bla,bla aici ,adica in filmarea ce urmeaza am filmat cand mergeam pe strada ... si aici [adica la filmarea asta ma refeream mai sus] vreau sa imi cer scuze pentru sunetele ciudate, care le scoateam si mucii trasi[si ce am zis mai sus]...sunetele erau din cauza a caldurii [adica frigului,adica a amintirii!!!!ma rog!!!!!] care mi-a lasat-o masinuta care are nasul meu infipt in ea!Si daca nu va convine si ne injurati si faceti ce stiti voi mai bine si ce daca?Nu ne intereseaza, noi suntem copii si ne traim copilaria si simtim spiritul sarabatorilor de iarna si asa mai departe!Banalilor si moracanosilor si...dar stai: NIMENILOR!
[...totusi e posibil sa existe ceva spioni pe aici!Ba ,care esti?]

[si in ziua aia, ne-am mai si jucat prin parcul catedralei ... asta am facut io cu ale mele...picioare!Deci, are un fir de par (cret) si seamana cu poza din ecusonul meu!]


joi, 10 decembrie 2009

tema la engleza...

Asa ,deci asta este tema mea la engleza,vreau sa ii avertizez pe oamenii ,care se risca sa citeasca chestiunea,ca eu is cam muci la engleza si profa nu mi-a vazut s-ar putea sa fie cam varza[exprimarea,alea,alea],pentru ca eu am invatat engleza doar din desene animate ,filme, muzica ,alea alea[iar] la scoala ciu-ciu![gramatica nu stiu nica' nada,zero is varza!!!(anul asta am invatat,care e diferenta dintre perfect si continuous[ha!ha!])] ma rog...inteleg cand vorbeste cineva...dar cand e vorba sa scriu sau sa vorbesc eu...mai bine nu[engleza dupa ureche,adica dupa cum suna mai bine!]!!!Deci,sper sa se inteleaga ceva...Ah!Si as aprecia,daca exista oameni ,care imi zica ce greseli am...daca se poate...daca este cineva p'acolea[hi!hi!]!Saru'mana!


It was once upon a time ,a goat that had three kids. The middle one listened to rap music , the big one listened to rock music ,and they were naughty and unruly,and the little one was listening to classical music and he was good and hard working. You know those words :"There are five fingers at one hand, and none resembles the other.".
One day,the goat called the kids ,on their cell-phones and asked them to come home,because it was late and the next day they had a test paper at biology and they had to study. When they arrived,she told them:
-My dear little children,mommy must go into the forest,yes I know it is too late,but I have to go to this important meeting with all the single mothers. We have to make a list with all the single fathers ... and ... you know!You,my dear ones,stay home and study for your test!

-Ok, m
ommy ! Go on! But you must watch out , because it is very late ... [said the little one ]
-Chill nigga , mom can take care of her , she knows what's she's doing ! [ said the middle one ]
-Thanks my dears ! But you must lock the door behind me , listen to each other , study for youre test ,and do not open the door until you hear my voice . When I come , I'll let you know and sing you this:

I'm back to put it in motion
I'm back to tell you no lies
Sit back and sip on this notion
I'm back to put it in drive
I'm back watch out I'm back
What ya gonna do
I'm back to cause a commotion
I'm back to demoralize
Sit back and feel the emotion
I'm back to keep it alive
I'm back watch out I'm back

What ya gonna do
When the sound goes boom
What ya gonna do
Make a make a move
When the sound goes boom
Watch out I'm back...
-Have you heard , what i've said ?
-Yes mom!Go, we will be ok ... go ...
-Ok!if so ,come and kiss youre mother! God protect you from the bad ,and stay well !
-Go healthy mommy , said the little kid in tears,God help you to get well back!
The goat goes in her job and the kids shut the door after her and pull the latch. But you know those old words :" The walls have ears and the windows eyes!"
And here comes the wolf!he started singing:

I'm back to put it in motion
I'm back to tell you no lies
Sit back and sip on this notion
I'm back to put it in drive
I'm back watch out I'm back

-Ha!HA!HA!...[the kids started to laugh]
and...they proposed to each other to bring the fluffy wolf in the house,and make a lip [ cut ] on him to learn in this way for the test!Said and done!They opened the door , invited the wolf in the house and gave him some beer , after that they beated the wolf and started cuting him ! In this way they've learned for the test !!!
When mom came home,she started singing and in the same time she was crying! She was sad,because she couldn't find the right man! When they saw that , the kids, filled the wolf with cotton and showed the fluffy wolf to their mother,like a present ! She was very glad to see that ,and now the goat doesn't sleep alone, anymore and the three little kids got an A to the test!
End of story...

luni, 7 decembrie 2009

animalul tau de casa...

Probabil cu totii ,sau cei mai multi dintre noi[sau eu],am ajuns la varsta cand ne dorim un mic animalut de companie!Desigur,unii dintre noi,in cazul de fata eu,poate ne dorim ceva mai cu blana,cum ar fi: un caine!Dar,desigur mereu intervine o mica - mare piedica:PARINTII!Care,iti gasesc diverse motive pentru care tu nu esti in stare sa cresti un animalut!Si mai avem un FOARTE BUN exemplu de acest caz....cum ar fi,bunul nostru prieten Loie,care s-a ales si el saracul cu un pestisor pe care l-a botezat Piper,ca neah...mamica ,are cate un motiv pentru care, orice alt animal de companie nu este bun...
Just watch it:

Nu ca mi-asi dori o pisica[le urasc],dar cateii...cateii,cine te poate intelege mai bine, ca un catel?Mama lui Loie zice ca un peste,ei bine mama mea ,zice ca un papagal!Si cum ,acum eu am iar micile mele"crize"de :"vreau un catel!!!"...saraca mea mama, ma potoleste in felul ei...adica:
  • imi aduce papagalul in fata usei de la camera[apropo,eu nu am usa la camera dar...] si zice:Uite-l pe Azorel"HAM!HAM!":
    1. vrea curatenie;
    2. vrea mancare;
    3. vrea plimbat;
    4. vrea sa ii vorbesti;
    5. vrea sa bla,bla bla...
    Da! Dar,Azorel asta al meu ,se sperie numai cat ma uit la el.Stiu, ca sunt si perusi blanzi,dar sunt si perusi speriati de bombe,asa ca Azorel al meu...Hm!Ma gandeam,oare cum ar fi sa il pun in lesa ,pe Azorel, si sa facem o plimbare prin parc?Aaa nu,nu!Sau poate sa il scarpin puitn sub barbie sau pe burtica?!Sa il vezi ce da din pene ,atunci...sau ii arunc un bat,un disc ceva?!...Vezi atunci ce iese...Eh!Dar,pana la urma si Azorel al meu e special!Doar e Azorel...Macar eu il am pe el,altii nici macar pe el nu il au....Asa are cine sa ma trezeasca si pe mine dimineata,cand apare prima raza de soare,am in cine arunca cu ursuleti[perne,orice] sa-l fac sa taca,am la cine tipa,si are cine sa cante odata cu muzica,problema e ca uneori canta mai tare ca ea[apropo,ii place melodia,si sincer eu nu prea ii ascult pe nenii astia,dar lui ii plac,asa ca mai negociem ...cate'odata...fie(PS:ii plac si colindele!)!]!Oricum Azorel al meu e special,pentru ca in primul rand e o pasarica mica si nevinovata ,care urla mai tare ca mine[si care molfaie cand mananca(cu gura deschisa),si ii cad balele odata cu corjile de la seminte (s-a adaptat bine,pentru numele lui)si bineinteles aceste corji ajung peste tot ,numai nu in cutia cu mancare(l-am educat bine,sa nu trebuiasca sa ii suflu corjile mereu,asa mai zic!)] totusi uite, ca tot am cu cine ma certa[vorbi,bine!bine!]RECUNOSC!Degeaba ma plang eu![Hmmm!]Sau alt animal misto de casa,ar fi un frate sau o mai super!!!Dar totusi,ramanem cu speranta,ca tot plecam noi la casa noastra[adica,eu plec!] si vom avea mult doritul nostru catelus[adica voi avea!] refeream la mine[de exemplu, unul ca cel din "Santa Buddies",e superb!Adica toti sunt superbi,doar ca se fac putin cam mari...dar...]dar,sa ajungem noi sanatosi pana atunci...deocamdata raman cu nervii de dimineata cand incepe sa URLE micutul meu Azorel,adica nu urla,vorbeste si el cu pasarelele de afara,doar ca ii place sa fie mai"auzit"decat ele...dragul de el,chiar daca l-am vorbit de rau si uneori ma calca pe nervi,tot il iubesc ,pentru ca nu am cum sa nu tin la biata pasarica[Vai!Ce emotionant!]...